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OAK RIDGE TENNESEE: New Homes in Oak Ridge Will be Zero Energy Scientists will study four homes outfitted with cutting-edge appliances and other energy-saving features that will be built in the heart of Oak Ridge, TN. More than 100 persons recently gathered to observe the launch of the Zero Energy Building Research Alliance, or ZEBRAlliance. The homes will have ground-source integrated heat pumps, solar panels, the latest experimental appliances and sensors to shut them off when not in use Read on>>

WASHINGTON :The architect who masters prefabricated housing -- how to make homes that are well designed, mass-produced, affordable and easy to build -- may well go down in history as the Last Architect.
For almost two centuries, designers have struggled to harness the power of industry to produce beautiful homes Read on >>

RIVERSIDE, Cal: Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. (NYSE: FLE) announced today that its modular division,Trendsetter Homes, has been selected to build the living units for new U.S.Army housing at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, the world's largestmilitary medical training facility. Read on >>

EDINBURGH SCOTLAND: Architect to offer homes for £40,000 (SNIP) Stoane said the total cost of a home will be £1,000 per square metre. Read on >>

PERTH WA: Another former West Australian premier turned lobbyist, Peter Dowding, has landed in controversy, criticised over pro-bono work he does for an Aboriginal corporation in the Pilbara.
Mr Dowding's work for the Ngarluma Aboriginal Corporation includes lobbying the state Government over a $220million housing development in Roebourne that would replace the troubled town's notorious "village" and provide accommodation for Pilbara mine workers. Read on >>